作为美图公司的算法中枢,MT Lab在人脸技术、人体技术、图像识别、图像处理、图像生成等多个方向处于世界先进水平。
由MT Lab自主研发的人脸技术,包括人脸检测,人脸关键点,人脸属性分析(性别,年龄等)。能够在各类复杂情况下进行实时、稳定、准确的分析,为后续的图像处理提供坚实基础。
MT3D includes MTlab's 3D-related technologies. For instance, our face reconstruction algorithm is capable of reconstructing highly accurate 3D face models, by simply analyzing 2D images; our depth estimation algorithm can recover the depth information of the scene.
Our pose estimation technology, MTpose, detects and trackes the image keypoints corresponding to human joints. Its performance is robust to complex backgrouds and occlusions.
MTrestore is capable of identifying the causes of image quality degradation and adaptively applying AI-based image restoration algorithms such as denoising, debluring, and super-resolution.
MTenhance is a series of algorithms that adjust your photos from the aesthetic point of view. The algorithms include auto-cropping, contrast and tone tuning, detail enhancement, correction of over-/under-exposed regions, bokeh effect and more.
MTAR provides unified cross-platform rendering SDK to all projects, serving multiple AR functionalities including cutie selfie, virtual makeup, dynamic filters and so on.
Image segmentation technology produces masks of regions-of-interesting in images, laying the foundation for the subsequent image/video editing operations. MTsegment is fast and accurate, and is widely used in numerous features of Meitu's products.
基于MT Lab自主研发搭建的生成网络DrawNet,通过深度学习技术对大量图像数据进行分析与学习,针对不同需求的图像处理的任务,构建出不同应用场景的图像生成模型,经过模型处理,当用户输入自己的图片便可直接生成出对应效果的输出图。目前该技术已应用于AI人像美化、绘画机器人、亚裔变混血等方面。
一套会思考的美颜算法,通过对人脸进行分析,能够根据不同年龄、性别进行个性化、定制级的智能美颜处理。同时通过机器学习,不断优化美颜效果。作为MT Lab核心技术之一,已被广泛应用到美图公司旗下产品中。
MTmakeup utilized face alignment, semantic segmentation, 3D face reconstruction and image fusion algorithm for accurate portrait editing including virtual makeup and face exchange.
基于MT Lab自研业界领先的人脸技术及海量医疗级图像数据开发的深度学习皮肤检测方案,能够通过图像来检测和评估个人皮肤状态,如肤质、肤龄、肤色、毛孔、黑眼圈、痘、斑、痣等等。